Welcome to Apple Tree Day Nursery
Policies & Procedures
Safeguarding Children Policy
Apple Tree Nursery operates a Safeguarding policy in line with The Policy and Procedural requirements of Working Together 2023, Portsmouth Safeguarding Children's Partnership (PSCP) and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Plus ‘What to do if a child is being abused summary’ 2006.
Child protection takes priority over confidentiality and relationships with the family. The nursery work within the regulations set out by the 1989 Children’s Act and will implement the fundamental principles of the Act.
Every child has the right to protection from all forms of abuse. Physical, Neglect, Sexual and Emotional including being at risk of trafficking, Prevent, County Lines and risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Staff are trained to look out for the signs of all mentioned above.
Staff will be aware of children being tested for / with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They will have extra consideration for their individual needs and protection. All children at Apple Tree Day Nursery are unique and have the right to play and learn.
Lily Cronen (Deputy Manager) is the designated Safeguarding Officer. Staff regularly have up to date Safeguarding training and are competent with any safeguarding issues that may arise. We ensure all staff are made aware of our safeguarding policy through our induction process and ongoing supervisions.
The nursery will ensure that all staff / students will be subject to a D.B.S check, health checks and references on recruitment. Personnel awaiting confirmation of checks must not be left alone with individual or small groups of children. This is to include not accompanying children to the toilet or for nappy changing. They will always be with another member of staff, and they will be constantly observed.
Should a staff member become concerned about a child's welfare, the following procedure will be followed:
Initial consultation with staff management: Lily Cronen
Clear and accurate documentation of concern - on Incident Record Sheet.
If it is suspected that a child is suffering or likely to suffer from significant harm a prompt referral must be made to M.A.S.H. on 023 92 688793. We will get in touch with M.A.S.H if we have any concerns regarding any children to see if there is an existing Portsmouth Family Support Plan in place for the child. Any delay in referral must be justified, and record.
If a parent or staff member has any concerns in relation to another staff member contact Lydia Bowles at L.A.D.O: lado@portsmouthcc.gov.uk / 023 92 822500 she must be informed as first port of call.
Parents are usually contacted immediately unless advised by M.A.S.H. otherwise. In the case of the abuser being a parent, the case investigating officer will inform the parent.
Referrals made verbally must be followed up by a written version within five working days. M.A.S.H will then confirm in writing receipt of a written referral within five working days, together with an identified response to that referral.
If an allegation is made against a staff member, whilst working on the premises or in relation to children outside of work, L.A.D.O will be contacted immediately to advise us on the next step to follow. The nursery Owner/Nursery Manager will notify M.A.S.H., Early Years and OFSTED of the allegations and will work closely with those departments during the investigation.
Any existing injuries that a child presents with on arrival to nursery will be recorded and parents will be asked to explain and sign the appropriate Incident Forms. We have regular monitoring of these records, so we can see if a child has regular recurring incidents or if there are any patterns.
During an induction of new staff, we discuss our safeguarding policy and the process. Every staff member has a suitable persons check list which must be backed up with evidence of identification. We also have a copy of their qualifications, two names for us to contact directly for written references. We also ask each staff member to fill out a Health Declaration.
All staff must have a D.B.S. and are asked to fill out a disclosure yearly.
All new staff are asked to read the policy, which can be found on our website, and sign the staff handbook to ensure they know and understand the running of the nursery. We ensure all staff are made aware and read any updates to our policies.
We have a physical register for children and a digital register for staff. This identifies who is in attendance at any given time. Our register includes a box for who dropped the child off and who picked the child up.
We have risk assessments displayed in every room of the nursery. All senior staff ensure they are updated termly if needs be. All qualified staff need to ensure all risks are identified and are made aware of. When on site a risk assessment check form is filled out in the mornings and again in the afternoon. Staff are made aware of what to look out for when children are on site.
We provide termly supervisions that provide opportunity for staff and apprentices to discuss any issues concerning their own wellbeing or a child’s development or wellbeing. Supervisions are also an opportunity for staff to raise concerns if a colleague’s behaviour or conduct is putting children at risk.
We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the setting. We take security steps to ensure we have control over who comes into the setting so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Lloyd Bagley (Manager / Owner)
Apple Tree Day Nursery Lily Cronen (Deputy Manager / Safeguarding Officer)
Apple Tree Day Nursery 023 92 652111
(L.A.D.O.) Local Authority Designated Officer. 023 92 822500
Emergency out of hours 03005551373 Contact
Ofsted 0300 123 1231
(M.A.S.H) Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub 023 92 688793
The setting operates a camera, mobile phone and recording device policy to protect children, protect staff from allegations and maintain high standards of care within the setting. The setting forbids the use of personal cameras, mobile telephones (except in the situation of a short trip or outing) and recording devices by staff members and students whilst on duty. All staff, students and visitors are required to put their devices in the office under management supervision, when arriving for their shift / visit. They can have them back during lunch breaks only. Any staff member who does not comply will be dealt with in line disciplinary procedure. Children will be photographed or recorded by the nursery digital tablet device in the two following ways:
1: Staff daily use a digital tablet to record the children’s progression and to interact with parents via Parent Zone. Pictures / videos get uploaded to the portal and only those who have the login details can see this.
2: To advertise Apple Tree Day Nursery on our official social media and website platforms only. Children will only be photographed or recorded if parental consent has been obtained during the application process.
The nursery digital tablets stay on the premises 24/7.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
If you are unhappy with the service that you are receiving in the nursery then you must make us aware of your concerns immediately.
If you feel the need to discuss an issue in person please speak to the Nursery Manager, who will be happy to listen to your concerns and resolve them in the best possible way.​
The nursery requests that you document your concerns and send to Mr Lloyd Bagley, in order that we have a written record of your concerns.
Apple Tree Day Nursery will investigate the written complaint and do our utmost to resolve your complaint / concern internally with as little agitation as possible.
We will notify the person who made the complaint of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of receiving the complaint.
All complaints or concerns must be recorded and logged in the complaints file by a member of staff in the first instance. This is made available to Ofsted or the agency with which a provider of CoPD is registered, on request
If the matter cannot be resolved by Apple Tree Day Nursery or you feel the issues are too serious to be dealt with internally then you can contact the regulating body – OFSTED (0300 123 1231).
Apple Tree Day Nursery Special Educational Needs Policy
We are committed to the integration of children with Special Educational Needs. Our philosophy is that children with special educational needs have a right to be educated and to develop to their full potential alongside other children. We work closely with Portsmouth Early Years for support and advice. All staff are aware of the SEN Code of Practice, the Disability Discrimination Act and the Equality Act. We have a SENCO and a Deputy SENCO. Staff and parents are aware of who they are.
The nursery is very child friendly and has been renovated to promote independence with adult support. We have a ramp accessing the nursery from the front. We have a disabled toilet and all sinks that the children need to use are at a low level.
Children who have an identified Special Educational Need will be admitted after a consultation with the parents / carers as to the specific needs of the child. If identified, any adaptations that need to be made to staffing, equipment, and access will be carried out before the child’s settling in visits in accordance with our Settling in Policy. We are a private day nursery and therefore access to funding for these adaptations may be limited. We will endeavour to investigate our options further to accommodate the needs of the child and their family, within logistical capabilities / reasoning.
Within the first few sessions, if we pick up on a child who has clear SEND that has previously gone undetected and do not have the facilities, training or space to care for them, then in consultation with the family and the early years inclusion team we may need to revoke the space, as we can not suitably meet the needs of the child. We will however support the family with finding another provider/work with Portsmouth Early Years.
Staff at Apple Tree Day Nursery work closely with their key group of children and observe them on a daily basis, both through play and conversation. If a member of staff has a concern about a child then they must raise this concern with the SEN officers who would take into account their observations and possibly sit in on the group and make their own notes on the child.
It would be the responsibility of the key person in the first instance to sensitively discuss any concerns with the parent / carer. The conversation should be carried out in private and the parents should be reassured that we will endeavour to assist their child in their development and learning, but that we may require assistance from outside agencies. The outcome of the discussion needs to be followed up in writing and signed by the parent / carer, who also needs to sign an Inter Agency Parental Consent Form before a referral can be made. If progress is not made or parents have concerns too, the key person may include the SEN officer. Should the parents not feel the same way about the concerns that we have for their child then we will continue to make further observations on the child and possibly invite the parent in to observe their child during the session. We will endeavour to always work in partnership with parents and keep a two way flow of communication.
It may be necessary for the SEN officer to draw up an Individual Education Plan for the child so that staff can support the child with their development. This would be put together using observations and recording of their development and would show how a series of day to day activities can be used to support the child in their area of concern. The IEP will be shown to the parent / carer and permission will be obtained before the plan is carried out. This stage is called Early Years Action. This IEP may be a temporary measure until; * If progress is not made we will refer to another agency e.g.: Speech and Language Therapist, Health Visitor or Early Years Panel, this stage is called Early Years Action Plan. * The requested outside agency becomes involved and makes an assessment on the child, therefore the IEP may have to be reviewed. The child makes good progress and is meeting the targets of the IEP. (It is advisable that the child continues to receive support so that they do not regress.)
A review of the agreed IEP will be made regularly to assess progression and evaluate the effectiveness of the targets being met. These reviews will be made as set out on the IEP and the SEN officer will inform the parents of the details, including positive feedback about the progression that their child is making. If the child has not made any progress, then the ILP must still be reviewed and differentiation can be made. Ensure that support is always offered to the parents / carers and that you answer any questions that they may have in full.
We will always endeavour to positively promote Special Educational Needs to children, their families, and visitors to the nursery by displaying images and using resources such as posters, puzzles, and dolls, which reflect anti-discriminatory practice.
We welcome families with SEND and will always strive to meet their needs when registering and bringing their child to the nursery. We would seek advice and support from The Portsmouth Early Years team. The Portsmouth SEND local offer is a brilliant resource for families with children with SEND: Home < Portsmouth Local Offer
Behaviour Management Policy
It is recognised that all children behave in different ways and changes in behaviour are usually a result of a change in their environment or circumstances that they may find challenging. Positive behaviour is always promoted by all staff through praise and encouragement according to the child’s age and stages of development. Positive social behaviour will be encouraged such as sharing, good manners, hygiene and taking turns.
Restraining a child for their own safety will only be used if behaviour is likely to cause injury to the child or any other person or property. This will be logged in the incident book and signed by parents.
Most children at certain stages of development demonstrate behaviour that is negative. Children may demonstrate negative behaviour verbally or physically e.g. biting/swearing. We recognise that children may display negative behaviour since they are still exploring their emotions and understanding what is socially accepted. On those rare occasions when negative behaviour is evident a child will be gently supported. We do not humiliate any child and we deal with discipline sensitively. Staff will explain to the child why their behaviour is unsafe or unkind. Unwanted behaviour is managed according to each individual child’s need. We understand that methods used for some children may not prove to be effective for others. Parents / carers and nursery staff will work together to understand what works best for each child. The nursery will work in partnership with parents when dealing with inappropriate behaviour and Portsmouth Early Years may be called on for support. If we see negative behaviour in a baby, for example biting / snatching, although we know it is through exploring, learning and growing, not negative behaviour, this will be dealt with in a calm manner in conversation to promote gentle authority.
Unacceptable Behaviour:
Physical pain inflicted on the other children or staff
Repetitive damage of nursery property or of that belonging to another child.
Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Disability discrimination
Promoting British values
Democracy: Making decisions together. As part of the focus on self-confidence and self-awareness as cited in Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
The staff will encourage children to see their role in the bigger picture, encouraging children to know their views are listened to, value each other’s views and are encouraged to talk about their feelings. Staff will support the decisions that children make and provide activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration. Children should be given opportunities to develop inquisitive minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued.
Rule of law: Understanding rules matter as cited in Personal Social and Emotional development as part of the focus on managing feelings and behaviour.
Staff will ensure that children understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and learn to distinguish right from wrong. Staff will collaborate with children to create the rules and the codes of behaviour, for example, to agree the rules about tidying up and ensure that all children understand rules apply to everyone.
Individual liberty: Freedom for all as part of the focus on self-confidence, self-awareness and people & communities as cited in Personal Social and Emotional development and Understanding of the World.
Children should develop a positive sense of themselves. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities, for example through allowing children to take risks on an obstacle course, mixing colours, talking about their experiences and learning.
Staff will encourage a range of experiences that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand we are free to have different opinions, for example in a small group discuss what they feel about transferring into Reception Class.
Mutual respect and tolerance: Treat others as you want to be treated. As part of the focus on people & communities, managing feelings & behaviour and making relationships as cited in Personal Social and Emotional development and Understanding the World.
Staff should create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, sexualities, gender, cultures and races are valued, and children are engaged with the wider community.
Children should acquire a tolerance and appreciation of, and respect for, their own and other cultures. Knowing the similarities and differences between themselves and others, including among families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions whilst sharing and discuss practices, celebrations and experiences.
Staff encourage and explain the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting others’ opinions. Staff promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, for example, sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences and providing resources and activities that challenge gender, sexuality cultural and racial stereotyping.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Equal Opportunities Policy
We believe that no child, individual or family should be excluded from the nursery and its activities on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status, disability, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief. Our Admissions Policy outlines how we welcome children and their families into our setting. We believe that all who wish to work or train within our nursery have an equal chance to do so.
All applications for employment within the setting will be treated fairly and will be assessed against our person specification. All staff within the nursery will not be rejected on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status, disability, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief. The Equal Opportunities Policy will form part of the job description and induction process for all workers. All workers are expected to implement the policy during their time at the nursery. We have a named member of staff Lloyd Bagley (OWNER) nominated to ensure that the policy is implemented appropriately. Staff may be requested to undertake some training relating to Equal Opportunities.
All children will be respected and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities and play equipment offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Opportunities will be given to children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others.
Apple Tree Day Nursery recognises a wide range of special needs children and families in the community and will endeavour to meet the needs of individuals, by providing the appropriate resources and equipment, accessing the help of outside agencies, and referring to the SEN Code of Practice. We will always consider the needs of individuals when planning meetings and events.
Resources will be chosen to give the children a wider view of the world and an appreciation of our multi-cultural society. We will help children develop their self-respect and respect other people by avoiding stereo types, derogatory pictures or messages about any other group and providing posters, toys and equipment that portray positive images of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and with disabilities.
These are unacceptable. The team will aim to be sensitive to the feelings of the victim(s) and to help those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices. Any discriminatory remarks will be recorded on an incident form and the Nursery Manager will be made aware of the incident.
Apple Tree Day Nursery staff will endeavour to meet any medical, cultural, and dietary needs. Parents / carers are requested to offer any relevant information during the registration and settling in of their child. This information is recorded on the child’s Registration Form and kept in the Confidential Records File. A copy of their dietary requirements and allergies will also be passed to the child’s key worker and displayed in the nursery food preparation areas. We will ask for updates regarding their child’s details at the start of a new school year.
For the first 24 hours of a child first ever dose of antibiotics they need to stay home, in case of an allergic reaction.
Children and families accessing the nursery who have English as an additional language will be respected as all families are. Nursery staff will endeavour to display and use key words that will make them feel welcome and secure. The nursery will access advice and information from the local Ethnic Minority support groups in order to appreciate the different cultures and languages used by these families, and encourage them to feel part of the group. Staff will encourage parents / carers to take part in the nursery activities to promote their festivals and value their advice in celebrating them appropriately. Our Policy has been drawn up with reference to information from the following: The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Equal Pay Act 1970 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975. Race Relations Act 1976. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Human Rights Act 1998. Race Relations Act (Amendment) 2000. Children’s Act 1989. Care Standards Act 2000.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Admissions Policy and Procedure
Admissions Policy
All children admitted to the nursery are entitled to high quality care. Through adequate levels of staffing and appropriate resources children will receive care and early education that is tailored to their individual needs. By the nursery operating a 10 hour day, and a 51 week year, it is hoped that parents / carers will not be prevented from taking up employment during school holidays, or irregular shift work. There are a variety of sessions available in order to meet the needs of individuals and where a required session is not available the Nursery Manager will try to accommodate the individual as soon as possible.
If we pick up on a child who has clear SEND and do not have the facilities, training or space to care for them then we will revoke the space. We will however support the family with finding another provider and work with Portsmouth Early Years.
Admissions Procedure
When a parent/carer contacts us they will be asked for the following details which will be recorded in the Nursery Place Enquiry Book.
Their name and contact phone number.
Their child / children's name and date of birth.
The sessions that they require and intended start date.
A visit to the setting is encouraged and booked in at the next available time slot. At the end of the visit the parent / carer will be given a registration form and nursery terms and conditions. If a nursery place is required and available, then once the £120.00 (deposit £100 / admin fee £20), terms and conditions form signed and dated, and the completed registration form are returned, then the child/children's settling in visits can be arranged. These will be made at a time convenient to both the family and the nursery (please see Settling in Policy and Procedure.) Only applicable for children accessing over their funded hours.
If you no longer need a space, you must give us 2 months notice from your agreed start date. Anything less then two months means you will not get your deposit refunded, plus you will be liable to pay the first months invoice, as the space could have gone to another child.
As of September 2024 working parents with children aged 9month and over will receive 15 hours free funding. We offer 15 hours free funding for 2 year olds who fit the requirements. It is down to the parent carer to see if their child is entitled to the funding. All 3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours free funding the term after their 3rd birthday. If your child fits the criteria, a further 15 hours free can be accessed. You can check this by going on www.childcarechoices.gov.uk / 02392688830. In the case of the nursery having a waiting list, the child's name will be included on this and the parents/carers will be informed as soon as a place becomes available.
If, on your initial first time applying, you do not apply for the funding before the start of the term, you will not be able to claim. For example, if term starts on September 1st and you apply on the 2nd you must pay fees for that term only. You will be able to claim funding for the next term.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Procedure for Non-Vetted Persons
It is our intention to make Apple Tree Day Nursery a safe place for all children and staff. To achieve this, we will ensure that:
Any individual who will be working in the nursery on a regular basis is asked to undertake appropriate checks, including a Police Check through Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
No individual will work unsupervised with children in the nursery until they have shown the owner original documentary proof that they are in receipt of a satisfactory enhanced disclosure (DBS check) and are deemed suitable in every other respect.
In particular, prior to the appropriate checks being carried out a non-vetted person must not:
Be left in charge of any children even for short periods of time.
Change children's nappies or clothing.
Escort children to the toilet.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Settling In Policy
Children need to be reassured and have confidence in the fact that a familiar adult will collect them at the end of their session / day.
We offer parents / carers a settling in visit, to be made at a convenient time for both parties. We strongly encourage parents to leave within the first 5 minutes. This is so that your child can get accustomed to the key worker, the environment they are in and most importantly that they understand the pattern of you leaving and returning to pick them up.
If at any point we feel that the child is distressed beyond consolation we will contact the parent / carer to inform them of the situation. If after following the settling in procedure, the parent / carer or the manager feels that this period has not been sufficient in settling the child, the matter will be discussed to decide the best course of action, mostly resulting in a second settling in session. The visits are free of charge, reviewed and agreed on.
Parking Policy
Portsmouth City Planning Department and Trafalgar School have allocated two sign posted Apple Tree Day Nursery drop-off spaces on the school ground next to Apple Tree Day Nursery. We also have a drop-off point at the front of the nursery. Whilst you are in the school grounds we strongly ask you to take care and drive at a very slow speed as the school students may be walking around at the same time as you will be dropping off your child / children. Please therefore take care when pulling into and out of the school / nursery grounds. If there is no available parking, there is plenty of free parking on Oakwood Road, a minutes walk from the Nursery.
Toilet Training Policy and Procedure
At Apple Tree Day Nursery staff actively encourage parents to toilet / potty train their child. Staff provide support and advice throughout the process of potty / toilet training. If staff members or parents feel that their child is ready to start the transition of toilet / potty training then both keyworker and parent / carer will meet to discuss the child's individual needs and together will make a date for training to begin. We ask that a child starts the training at home, so that they start to understand the concept, prior to starting the training at nursery. Daily communication will take place between nursery staff and the parent / carer to update on the child's progress. This is carried out verbally and also via Parent Zone. Support and advice is given to the parent / carer and child as required. So that all staff members are aware of toilet training, the child's keyworker will ensure that the child is given regular opportunities to use the potty / toilet throughout the session, promoting independence. Successes will be celebrated and accidents sensitively handled.
Invoicing and Late payment Policy & Procedure
Payment for nursery fees is due on the 10th of every month. A parent will be sent the invoice virtually at the beginning of every month. This gives ten days grace. Any childcare vouchers, tax free childcare, etc. must be set up to be paid before or on the 10th. Please reference the name of the child on the bank transfer. Please also send a confirmation, including the date paid and method of payment.
On certain occasions we can be lenient but please come and speak to nursery owner Lloyd Bagley to discuss this. Any late payments will incur a £25 late payment fee which will be added onto the following month’s invoice.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Sleeping Children Policy & Procedure
Sleep time is in a cosy, comfy setting with dimmed lighting, soft music and the child’s home comforts (dummies / home blankets). We set out flat padded sleeping mats and travel cots for their comfort. Plus, we offer individual bedding that is washed daily. All children will be recorded by staff every 10 minutes and/or a staff member is in the room at all times. The times that your child gets put down to sleep, wakes up and monitoring checks, will be recorded by staff on Parent Zone for under 2’s. This information is available to all parents / carers at all times on request. Nursery staff will not carry out requests of parents / carers if they feel that it could put the child in any danger.
Uncollected Child Policy and Procedure
If a child is not collected at the end of their booked time, reassuring to the child is given whilst remaining calm, so as not to upset or alarm the child. No derogatory comments in relation to the lateness. No member of staff should be left alone on the premises with the child. The most senior member of staff and additional member of staff must remain with the child until the matter has been resolved. The most senior member of staff present should phone the parent / carer first, then the child's emergency contact numbers. Continue to try contacting the parent / carer and the emergency contacts. If there is no valid reason / response after this time then the senior member of staff should contact M.A.S.H on 023 92 688793. Take instructions from the M.A.S.H team as to what to do next. The senior member of staff must record the incident and all instructions that have been carried out on to an incident record sheet. If the child is not collected and the M.A.S.H team detains the child, then the senior member of staff present is responsible for writing a full report on the incident and forwarding a copy to Ofsted. The nursery owner and manager should be kept informed throughout the process. Reviewed and agreed on.
Exclusion Policy and Procedure
Apple Tree Day Nursery reserves the right to exclude your child if deemed necessary as a last resort.
Unacceptable Behaviour
In the case of unacceptable behaviour, where the child is inflicting emotional of physical abuse on another child or adult, this procedure will be followed: (please be aware this excludes babies who are cutting teeth as biting can be part of the teething process and is not done in a malicious manner, although will be stopped immediately and overseen and monitored.)
The manager will liaise with the child's parent / carer to ensure full awareness of the issue at hand. The manager, child's key worker and parent / carer will draw up an action plan and an Individual Behaviour Management Plan to ensure all the child's needs are being met and the issues are being dealt with sympathetically, constructively and consistently. To confirm, Apple Tree Day Nursery also liaise with Portsmouth Early Years for advice and support. Exclusion is an absolute last resort.
If the actions put in place are not successful in combating the unacceptable behaviour and the child is still inflicting emotional or physical abuse on other children or adults, steps will be taken to exclude the child from the setting. At this point it is at the manager's discretion as to whether a 4 week notice period to the parent / carer is in the best interest of the children and adults at the nursery or whether immediate termination of the contact is required.
Head Louse Control Policy
Apple Tree Day Nursery staff are aware of the difficulties controlling head lice. Left untreated a head louse may live as long as 40 days. If however, a head treatment is used they won’t last very long.
If a child has eggs or live lice in their hair they must not attend nursery until they have been treated.
If head lice are detected during nursery hours, the child’s parent will be contacted and will be asked to collect their child immediately, this must be treated before returning to the nursery.
All cases of head lice must be reported to staff, so that other families can be made aware. (No names will be used)
If a child has re-occurring problems with head lice, Apple Tree Day Nursery staff will support and advise families.
Children with long hair are advised to wear their hair up. Although head lice are unable to jump or fly, when two heads touch a head louse will crawl from one head to another.
We would advise all families to check their child’s hair on a regular basis using a "nit" comb.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Short Trips Policy & Procedure
Apple Tree Day Nursery will actively promote and encourage short trips when possible. This is a valuable learning experience for all children. Via consent, parents / carers will be asked if they would give their permission for their child to go on short trips. If this permission is refused, it will be made aware to all staff. If permission is granted, staff will follow the short trips procedure to ensure the safety of children and staff.
Staff will ensure that all children going on the short trip are permitted to do so
Before a short trip takes place, the staff members who will be accompanying the children will make themselves aware of the risk assessment in place for the journey and destination
All staff attending will be first aid trained
All safety procedure will be put in place prior to leaving the setting (first aid box/emergency contact details/designated nursery phone)
The adults and children leaving the nursery premises will sign out using the registration system
All appropriate measures will be put in place for each individual child, prior to going on the trip
All children will have age appropriate travel equipment
In the event of a lost child incident, staff will follow the Lost Child Policy & Procedure.
Administering Medication Policy
Apple Tree Day Nursery have a robust procedure in place when it comes to administering medication. On arrival if you need a qualified member of staff to administer medicine to your child, the procedure is as follows:
All medication should be labelled with the child’s name, the prescription date and the dosage required.
You’ll be required to fill out the medicine and consent book, including a signature.
We may call to ask for verbal consent if a child starts to feel poorly whilst at the setting, this will require a signature on collection.
Another member of staff will always witness administration. Once medicine has been given to the child, we sign the medicine consent form.
We keep all medication in the fridge out of reach. Please make us aware of any off the counter medication (Calpol) this should not be left in the bag without us being aware.
Prescription medicines must not be administered unless they have been prescribed by a doctor, dentists, nurse or pharmacist.
For the first 24 hours of a child first ever dose of antibiotics they need to stay home, in case of an allergic reaction.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Risk Assessment Policy and Procedure
A senior member of staff will carry out morning and afternoon risk assessments. The contents of this risk assessment can be found on the AM / PM Checklist Sheet. Staff are to be vigilant throughout the nursery day, ensuring that the nursery is safe and secure for children, staff, and all visitors. If any risks are identified they must be dealt with instantly and reported to the nursery manager. Any risks that are identified will be recorded and dealt with immediately. Risks that are identified will be made aware to all staff / students and discussed at the next staff meeting. All areas within the nursery have a written risk assessment on display for constant reminder of what needs to be put in place each and every time the area is used. These are reviewed and updated if necessary. All new staff during their induction are made aware of this.
Emergency Drill Policy and Procedure
If you discover a fire or emergency situation i.e. gas leak, you must immediately:
Raise the alarm by breaking the nearest fire alarm glass.
Warn everyone in the vicinity of the fire or emergency situation.
Do not use the fire extinguisher unless:
The fire is small and contained.
You are confident in using the fire extinguishers provided.
THERE IS NO PERSONAL RISK. (If there is any risk involved, leave the fire well alone and get out of the building).
If you hear the fire alarm: Do not panic. Please remain calm in your approach.
Tell the children in your care what the noise is and explain to them that we must walk outside quietly and quickly.
The senior members of staff and key workers are responsible for:
Taking a phone and child registers to the fire assembly point.
Assisting the baby room staff in getting the babies out safely.
The red fence allocated in the Trafalgar School car park behind our garden.
Fire drills are completed termly so that staff and children are familiar with what to do.
Any fire incidents will be reported to Ofsted.
Apple Tree Day Nursery Lost Child Policy and Procedure
In the highly unlikely event of a child going missing either on an outing or the internal nursery environment the following procedures must be adhered to with minimum disruption or distress to the other children. • All staff will remain calm at all times. • The senior member of staff present must do a thorough headcount. • The senior member of staff will deploy staff appropriately in order to have a maximum effect in finding the lost child. • Where possible, two members of staff will remain with the children while the other staff carryout the search. • Staff will search the immediate area first then quickly decide the surrounding areas that will be searched. • If the child has not been found within 10 minutes, then the police will be called by the senior member of staff. • As much information about the child’s description and last known movements will be needed. • The parent / carer will be informed immediately and an offer of transport to the appropriate venue by taxi will be provided so that they are present for all developments of the incident. • The senior member of staff will continue to take instructions from the police while the other members of staff continue searching. • If the incident occurs away from the nursery then the nursery owner or manager will be called in order to provide additional back-up staff.
Once the child has been found and the children and staff have returned to nursery, the senior member of staff will write a full report of the incident. A copy of this report will be signed by the staff who were present during the incident, the parents / carers of the child, and the Nursery owner / manager. Ofsted should be informed of the incident as soon as possible over the telephone by the nursery owner/ manager and a copy of the report sent to them. The owner / manager will write to the parents/ carers with a full explanation of the incident and the measures that have been put in place to prevent such an occurrence again. An emergency meeting will be called with staff to address the issues surrounding the incident and to review all policies that may relate to it. It is the responsibility of the nursery owner / manager to ensure that these policies are updated and reviewed regularly and implemented appropriately.
Apple Tree Day Nursery – Food Hygiene Policy
Policy Statement
Apple Tree Day Nursery believes that when we prepare, heat or store food, we do it to the highest standards. We check the temperatures of the fridge every morning and afternoon, so all products can be kept safe. We believe in keeping a clean and healthy environment to work in and keep it at a high standard of cleanliness to prepare the children’s food in. Policy: • All staff must ensure they wash their hands before and after handling food. • All staff must wear aprons, and ensure hair is tied back when handling food. Anyone who is doing food handling must maintain a high level of cleanliness at all times. • All staff must ensure all sides are kept clean and are cleaned before and after each food preparation. • Staff only with a food hygiene certificate can prepare food. • All food must be heated above 75.c and checked using the food probe provided. (The food probe must be cleaned after every use) • All fridges must be cleaned and emptied daily. • All cutlery must be sterilised daily. • The kitchen floor must be swept after each use, and mopped every afternoon, at the end of each day. All of these rules must be followed at all times, if you notice a staff member not following the rules or you feel we need to change or add to the rules, please speak to Lily Cronen (Manager)
Apple Tree Day Nursery - Invacuation Policy
If an emergency is upon us, then the setting manager must act fast to evaluate the likelihood of immediate danger. The assumption in most cases should be that it is safer to stay where we are and place the setting into a lockdown, until emergency services arrive.
All staff please stay calm, at all times.
Double check that all doors and windows are locked.
Close the blinds and curtains where possible.
Stay away from windows and doors.
The manager on duty must call 999 if under immediate or emerging danger.
Ensure staff and children stay in their designated rooms.
Stay low and quiet, with an objective to ensure children do the same.
Tune into a local radio station OR Google for more information if called for.
Do NOT make non-essential calls on mobile phones or landlines.
Unless in danger do NOT travel around the setting, try to stay put with the children you have.
The manager must have the register and children’s details to hand.
Do NOT answer the door until you are certain it is the emergency services.
Co-operate with the emergency services.
Communicate and be clear about what is happening with parents via iConnect. Discourage them from coming to the setting until it is safe to do so. Discourage them from calling, it is important we have a clear phone line.
It MUST be made clear to parents that we are always following the advice of the emergency services.
We will follow the advice of the emergency services.
We will notify Ofsted about what has happened.